Casamanya Extrem Planning

Relevant Dates:

Bib Pickup on June 7:

Casa de la Muntanya (ORDINO)

  • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM - Distribution of bibs and runner's bags
  • 8:00 PM - César Canales Conference by KARPOS

Program for June 8:

Plaça Major, Ordino: Parking Areas

  • 07:30 - 08:30 - Distribution of last bibs
  • 08:30 - 09:00 - Start access control
  • 09:00 - Start Casamanya EXTREM


    • Strict control of federation licenses and day insurance will be conducted
    • Mandatory equipment check (paravent)
    • Belongings can be left at the organization and collected at Coll d'Ordino after the race

Coll d'Ordino

NOTE: Belongings can be left in a designated area

Andorra Congress Center in Ordino (ACCO)

  • 13:00 - Opening Buffet Lunch
  • 14:00 - Casamanya Extrem Awards Giving
  • 14:30 - Copa Andorra de Curses de Muntanya 2023 Awards Giving

NOTE: Program updated on 2-6-2024. The organization reserves the right to modify it due to health, weather, or other force majeure reasons, and is committed to communicating them to all participants and collaborators.

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